Maddie is now three months old! So crazy! She is soo much fun right now, I swear everyday I enjoy her even more! She is such a happy baby and now that we're passed that whole cry-for-no-reason phase, she rarely has bad days anymore. I feel much more confident in my own mommy skills now which makes everything better! :)
Stats: 12lbs 1oz (30th percentile), 23.5in (37th percentile). Blue eyes - starting to get a bit lighter and so pretty! Still got that RED hair too! :)
Clothes: She started fitting into 0-3mos around 2 months so we're still in those - probably for at least another month.
Sleep: She has regressed slightly and is waking up for a middle of the night feeding again. I think it's another growth spurt to blame. She usually sleeps 10:30-2:30, eats, and then sleeps 3-6:30, eats again, and then sleeps 7-9ish. So overall it's not too bad since she's still in my room with me. It makes feedings pretty easy.
Favorite Activities:
- LAUGHING! It is officially the greatest sound I have ever heard!
- Being sung to - she just lights up and we get these huge goofy smiles!
- Sitting up. She has let us know that she is no longer a baby and wants to be held upright so she can look around.
- Kicking. When she gets going it's pretty hilarious to see. She looks like she's trying to ride an invisible bike :)
- Talking. She has gotten soo vocal in the last week or so! She just loves to chat with someone and will babble on and on - you can tell she is just so pleased with herself. So cute!
Least Favorite Activities:
- Riding in the car without someone in the backseat with her. We've had a couple traumatic (mostly for me) experiences when it's just the two of us :/
- Being left alone for more than 5 seconds. Lately, I have to be at her side nonstop. She will barely let me put her down for's been a bit difficult.
- Waking up. We always laugh at how hard it is for her to wake up - it's a funny process to watch her fight it...until she starts screaming lol
She is such a happy girl and we are loving this time with her! It's so fun to watch her grow and change so much!