Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I haven't really done a post about Madeline's health since the original one after her birth. I never know what to say. I have two different versions of my response to 'how's she doing?' - my overly positive, 'she's great! No problems!' response that I spit out to friends and family all the time, or my realistic 'we don't know and it's scary' response that I try to stifle. 
I have a hard time admitting my doubts and fears about Maddie's health because I don't want anyone to ever look at her differently. I don't want her pigeon-holed into the special needs box if she doesn't need to be. 
While her development is coming along wonderfully, it is still so scary to think about the future. As of right now, we have eight doctors and therapists who are working with us on making sure she is doing what she is supposed to be doing. Eight. It can be very overwhelming at times to keep track of all the different doctors and concerns, but I know it could be so much worse. 
She has been evaluated and we've found that she is perfectly on track for her age level in language and cognitive skills. This. Is. Huge! She is slightly behind in her motor skills but that is being worked on as well. I will definitely take cognition over motor skills anyday...(sad that that is even being said). 
It's so easy to get hung up on the things that she can't do or isn't doing. It's the majority of what the doctors talk about at her appointments and no one likes to hear that their child is 'behind'. 
Amidst all this, I have to remind myself to stop and think about what the doctors told us when we were in the NICU just learning of Madeline's condition. They basically told us they did not know if she would ever be able to do much of anything. There was talk of hospice and life expectancy. While I hate thinking about that time, it does me good to remember it and look at how far we have come. 
Going from this:
 To this: 

 Madeline has completely blown those predictions out of the water. I have to look at all the wonderful positive things she is doing now that they said she never would. I need to stop thinking of her in relation to the 'typical' 6 month old and look at her in regards to where we've come from. It's all about perspective and we are so happy with our little miracle baby and will continue to fight for the best life possible for her. <3