Sunday, March 3, 2013

21 Weeks


Hello! I have been bad about blogging lately..sorry! I just feel like we've had lots of random things to do on the weekends and I just haven't been able to get around to it! I have been feeling so much better in the last few weeks, I have been trying to get lots of things done while I know I can. Busy bees over here!

How Far Along:   21 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size of: a pomegranate - about 10.5 inches and 13 oz.
Symptoms: Hungry hungry hippo over here! I have to eat every hour or two - baby girl is in the midst of a crazy growth spurt so she's been stealing all my food!  I am starting to have some more painful lower backaches lately and just in general getting around is beginning to be a bit more difficult. But it hasn't been anything too bad yet - been feeling pretty good :)
Movement: Lots! She is quite wiggly! Her kicks are definitely starting to get stronger and I have even been able to feel some from the outside a few times. Still waiting for Kevin to be able to feel them, but I'm sure it'll happen soon! I have also been able to feel when she is balled up in one spot - I get a hard lump in my belly and then a minute later, it'll be gone. Pretty crazy!
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows!
Miss Anything? I miss being able to fit into my clothes!
Food Cravings: I've been loooooving cereal lately! I can't stop eating it! I also have been craving ice cream a lot :)
Anything making you sick/queasy? Nothing. It makes me so happy to say this!
The Bump: Growing by the day! I feel like I blinked and all of a sudden I was huge! There is definitely no hiding it now! It is supposed to get much bigger in the next few weeks too so I am getting a little nervous! haha  
Gender prediction: Baby K is a GIRL!
Mood: I've been feeling really good this week! 
Best Moment this week: Last week we had our 20 week anatomy scan ultrasound and they told us that the baby looks perfect! Everything was completely normal and she is growing right on schedule. This is the appointment where they can usually detect if there are any abnormalities or problems so this was a great milestone! We got our genetic test results back as well and they are all clear! Thank the lord! Also, we met with our doula, Sarah, last weekend and we are both SO excited to have her! She is great, and I really think she will be an amazing help for both of us during this process. We absolutely loved her and I feel very relieved and lucky to have found her!
Looking forward to: We are starting our Bradley Childbirth classes next weekend! I am nervous and excited all at the same time. Starting this means that labor is actually getting closer and I really am going to have to start preparing for the big day! Ack! I cannot believe we only have 4 months left til our girl is here! <3

*She definitely has Kevin's nose :)

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