Thursday, July 18, 2013

Madeline Jane's Birth Story

Hello - So much has happened since I last updated this blog! I have decided to continue to update on here for a little has been kind of nice to write everything down. It is really more for me than anyone else, so I apologize in advance for the long-winded ramblings :) Anywho, on to the story of Madeline's birth...

I had decided that I was going to work up until my 37th week of pregnancy in order to give myself at least a week or more to finish getting everything settled and organized since we had just moved to a new place. Well, that did not really happen. The Thursday of my last week of work, I woke up and instantly felt awful. My lower back was killing me and my stomach felt like a constant cramp. I thought it would get better as the day went on, so I tried to go to work. It just did not get better, so I went home for the day and continued to feel sick. We had a doctor's appointment that afternoon so I was hoping he would tell me I was almost there! But he didn't. He told me everything I was feeling was completely normal for this stage of pregnancy and that he thought I still had another few weeks to go. Ugh. So the next day, Friday, was my last day of work. I woke up still not feeling well at all but I knew I had to go in to work that day. I went in, met with my boss for all the last minute details and went home at 10am. I was feeling somewhat sharper pains at this time which I thought were contractions, but there was never a definite start and end so I couldn't time them. This continued for the rest of the day.

Around 3am that Saturday morning, these contractions began to start feeling a little stronger. I was sort of able to time them occasionally, but they were very inconsistent. I was obviously not in labor yet. The day went on and the contractions continued that way. I was able to talk through them and they were never to the point of painful, more just uncomfortable and annoying. I tried to time them throughout the day, but every time I actually got the timer out, they seemed to stop, so I pretty much gave up on that. We had planned to get together with our doula, Sarah that afternoon for our pre-labor meeting.  I told her about how I was feeling and she agreed with the doctor that she thought I still had some time.

About an hour after she left, Kevin was getting ready to go pick up his car that was in the shop. I had planned on going with him since we needed someone to drive the other car back, but a few minutes before we needed to leave, I had a MAJOR contraction. Like, a curled-up-on-the-bed-moaning contraction. It came out of nowhere but there was finally PAIN. Since I was in no condition to drive at that point, Kevin just went himself and was going to have a friend drive the car back. I decided to get in the tub to see if that would help me feel better and I had heard that it can slow down labor (although I still did NOT think I was in labor). Once I got in, I had another big contraction...and then another about 4 minutes apart or so. I had been texting with my mom throughout all this and she told me she thought I should call the doctor. I was hesitant because he had told us to call when I was having contractions 4 minutes apart for at least an hour. Before these last few contractions, they had been around 10-15 minutes apart so I didn't think it was time to call yet. My mom told me that early labor contractions generally do not start out this painful and intense so I needed to find out what was going on. I texted Kevin and told him to hurry home. He got there about 10 minutes later and I just said, 'I need to go to the hospital'.

He began running around grabbing all our stuff and throwing it into a bag since we were not quite done packing yet (oops!). He called the doctor's office to let them know we were going to the hospital, and they told him that our doctor was out of town for the weekend. GREAT. Kevin had a mild 'Knocked Up' moment, but we just hurried out the door. In the car, he called Sarah and told her to turn around and come back! It was about 4:30pm now and luckily, we live about 10 minutes from the hospital, so getting there was not too bad, but the contractions were consistently coming and were very painful. We went straight to the Emergency Room since I was not able to walk up to the Birth Center myself. When we were checking in, they asked me how far apart my contractions were and I told them about 4 minutes. The woman took one look at me and said, 'I think it's a lot closer than that!' They had someone come and wheel me up to the Birth Center so they could check me. Much to my surprise (and delight!) I was 6 cm already! Woah! I must have been in labor for a while already and just hadn't realized it! I was happy because I thought this meant that labor would be very quick and hopefully not too awful. The nurse said, 'You guys are going to have a baby tonight!' If only we had known....

I was admitted to Labor and Delivery around 5:30pm on Saturday June 22nd, thinking we would have this baby by midnight. I got my room, Kevin brought all our stuff up, Sarah had made it, our parents were called, and we were ready to go. I had made it clear that I was wanting an unmedicated birth if at all possible and we had a nurse that was supportive of that and really left us to labor as we wanted. I started out in the tub, and then moved to the birthing ball, the shower, the bed, just about every position possible, I tried it. At this point, we realized that Madeline was sunny-side up rather than face down like she should have been. This was causing what they call, 'back labor'. It is no joke! Basically, the hard part of her head was smashing into my spine the entire time. It was SO painful! The worst part about it, is that the pain does not end when the contraction stops...there really is no break from it. Any pregnant ladies reading this, do your spinning babies exercises because back labor is the worst! I really believe that if she had been facing the other way, labor would not have been that bad. So I labored on and on for hours. The only thing that really kept me going was thinking that I must be close to pushing by now! I was willing myself into thinking I had to push...but no such luck. I labored like this for 12 hours...when the nurse checked me again I knew I had to be almost there. I was at.....6cm. All this time and pain and I had not progressed at all. When the nurse had checked me this time, she inadvertently broke my water. The next contraction after that, I literally lost my mind. The intensity of it tripled, and I started to panic. I felt like an animal who would chew her own arm off just to get away from this torture. I lost it. I begged the nurse for help and she said she would call the anesthesiologist for me. She came back and said he was just waking up and was on his way. Waking up?! I needed him NOW! Every contraction was absolutely terrifying at this point and I really didn't think I could handle it much longer. He finally made it and started the epidural process. Oh my gosh, it was SO awful to have to sit up and hold still while this was happening. The nurse and Kevin stood in front of me while I squeezed them and just screamed from the pain of it all. It felt like forever but was probably only about 5 minutes. Finally it was over and I had relief! I've never felt so happy, and I didn't even have my baby yet!

After all this, everyone was exhausted so we all settled in and took a well-deserved nap. I was not able to really sleep, but the rest was nice. When everyone woke up a few hours later, I still was only at 8cm. This was taking FOREVER! They decided to start me on a low dose of pitocin to get things moving more quickly. I was not very happy with this, but something needed to happen. It had now been over 24 hours since I had eaten anything, combined with all the medication and I was now feeling really nauseous. Fast-forward to me projectile vomiting all over Kevin and that was just the cherry on top of this whole day :/.

Hours went by and finally, by 2pm Sunday afternoon, I was fully dilated and ready to push. I remember looking at the clock and thinking, 'okay, by 3 I will have this baby.' Then, 'ok, by 4 I will have this baby'....'By 5, I will have this baby'. I pushed and pushed and pushed. She was just taking her sweet time. The pushing itself was not that bad, I just so wanted her to come at this point! By 5, the hospital got a call that my doctor had just gotten into town and was on his way - just in time! He got there right when I was crowning. I pushed as hard as I could for about 15 minutes with him and she still was not coming out! He finally decided that since I had been pushing for almost 3 and a half hours at this point, I needed some help. He used the vacuum and FINALLY Madeline came out! They had seen meconium in my water when it broke earlier so they had some NICU doctors there when she was born. They instantly cut her cord and scooped her up and over to their table - she was not breathing. They worked for a minute and suctioned the fluid from her lungs and then she started crying. We got to hold her just a few minutes later and we were on cloud nine! She was beautiful! We spent the next few hours just staring at our gorgeous little strawberry blonde girl. Even though absolutely NOTHING went as I had hoped and planned with the labor, it was 100% worth it to see our little girl. Madeline Jane was born 6/23/2013 at 5:28pm. She was 6lbs 4oz, 19inches long. Absolutely perfect. <3

And now for picture overload...

My last belly pic - taken 2 days before I went into labor...
Hudson was concerned when I was in the tub before going to the hospital...

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