Madeline is 5 months old! I can't even believe it! Our baby girl is getting so grown up I don't know how it's happened so fast! I feel like in just the past few weeks, she has really made huge leaps developmentally and physically. She's growing so much and getting so strong! Her little personality is definitely making itself known and she is quite the feisty little one! We seriously love her more every single day - it's impossible not to! :)
Stats: 15lbs (42nd percentile), 26 inches (73rd percentile) <-- whaat?! I did this measurement myself so it very well could be a bit off, but baby girl is growing!!
Clothes: She is officially in the 3-6 month sizes now. Depending on the brand, some are still a little big (Baby Gap) but most fit well now!
Sleep: She is still usually sleeping all through the night. Occasionally she starts stirring around 3am and I give her a bottle - I think she's in a growth spurt right now so I am trying to feed her more during the day to get her to sleep longer at night. Hopefully that helps! She really is cutting back on her daytime naps now too - keeping mama busy!
Milestones in the works: Currently still working on rolling over - she's so close! She can do the final three-quarters of it if we get her started. She is also now able to sit on her own! She props herself up with her hands and if there is something interesting in front of her, she'll stay that way for a while! She gets better every day. It's amazing to see how strong she is getting!
Favorite Activities:
- Standing. Still. She just loves it so much! Even if she's fussy or upset about something, if you stand her up she instantly perks up! Her doctor is very impressed with her leg strength :)
- Coughing. Not when she does it, but if anyone else coughs, she thinks it's hilarious! I swallowed some water wrong one day and was coughing, and she just laughed and laughed like I've never seen her do before. Haha
- Looking at herself in the mirror. She will look directly at her reflection, smile, and then shyly turn her head and nuzzle into my shoulder. Repeat x100. It's probably the cutest thing I've ever seen <3
- Hudson! More specifically, Hudson's tail. She has finally started to really notice him and if he's in the room, no one else stands a chance at keeping her attention. She loves him! She is mesmerized by his wagging tail and if they make eye contact, she just shrieks with joy! I think he's in for it in a few months when she is more mobile!
Least Favorite Activities:
- She still has the stranger danger going on with people other than Kevin and I. It takes her a while, but if she gets to watch you and check you out, she'll eventually warm up.
- Being held like a baby. She has to be held upright now. She always wants to see what's going on and look around. Standing and sitting up are the only acceptable positions :)
We are so lucky to have such a happy girl!
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