Sunday, April 7, 2013

26 Weeks

Hello! The past two weeks have been pretty busy but with all good stuff. Last week, I got my glucose screening test done wasn't that bad! I had heard so many horror stories about how gross the drink was and how awful it made you feel, but I just felt like I drank some room temperature fruit punch and then got some blood problem! And, even better news, I found out a few days later that I passed the test! No gestational diabetes for me, woohoo :) I can tell that I am creeping up on that third trimester now because I am getting very uncomfortable :/ It has suddenly become so hard to do just about everything! I am fully waddling now and just walking more than 10 minutes makes me tired and need to dart to the nearest restroom...oh boy. I am definitely in for it now!

How Far Along:  26 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size of: a cucumber - about 14 inches and just shy of 2lbs.  
Symptoms: I started getting some Braxton Hicks contractions this week. They aren't painful, just a weird tightening feeling across my belly. I am starting to really struggle with getting around more now...definitely feeling more back and hip pain, swollen feet, and I feel like I am always winded! Whenever I lay down, I can feel my lungs being smushed. I was panting and sweating trying to paint my toenails the other day...not cool.
Movement: So much! More rolling lately...sometimes I find myself just staring down at my belly watching it move around..its very weird!
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows!
Miss Anything? a decent lung capacity..I can't breathe anymore!
Food Cravings: Nothing too particular - still loving ice cream :)
Anything making you sick/queasy? Nothing. It makes me so happy to say this!
The Bump: I am HUGE! I don't know how I am this big already...I still have three more months and I feel like I'm running out of room! I'm scared that by the end, I'm not going to be able to move. Let's hope I don't turn into the blueberry girl from Willy Wonka...cuz that's how I feel these days...
Gender prediction: Baby K is a GIRL!
Mood: I've been feeling pretty good for the most part...with a few meltdowns here and there. I couldn't get my shoe on this morning and ended up chucking it across the room and crying. Overreact much? haha
Best Moment this week:  Well my best moment from last week was definitely getting that glucose test over with and finding out that I passed. Also, just yesterday, Kevin and I went and toured the hospital birth center where we will be having our baby. It was about as nice as a hospital can be...we will have our own private room the entire time with a bathroom and a tub. It was nice to be able to see everything so I can really start visualizing what it'll be like once we're there for the real thing!
Looking forward to: As of this upcoming Thursday, I will officially be in my third trimester! Wow! I can't believe we are at that point already! I am just getting more and more antsy about getting to the end of this and meeting our fiesty little girl- is it July yet?? :)

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