Hello! So I am failing at this blogging thing...sorry guys. I have been either super busy or super sleepy every weekend lately and just have not had the motivation to get this done. In the past few weeks, we have had another Dr appointment, signed the lease on our new place, and Kevin's been getting ready for his finals. I have really been feeling this pregnancy lately...not so much in a good way haha. It's hit me like a ton of bricks very quickly - funny how you can go from feeling just fine to completely handicapped in a few short weeks. This third trimester business is no joke! But I am just pluggin along...we're getting so close now, it's so exciting! I can't wait for July to get here! :)
How Far Along: 30 weeks 4 days
Baby is the size of: a head of lettuce - about 17 inches and right around 3lbs.
Symptoms: SO many! I am suddenly very tired again..all that 2nd trimester energy burst stuff is long gone! It's getting so much harder to get around now and I feel like I am always out of breath. Also, another new development...because my uterus is getting so big, it is completely smashing my stomach and intestines. So I can no longer eat anything without feeling sick to my stomach. No matter what it is, if I have more than a few bites at a time, I feel awful. This is just no fun. I have also become a burping machine (tmi?) haha. Some random pains pop up here and there also but nothing really bad so far.
Movement: She has now switched from kicking a lot to rolling. I am feeling her moving constantly now and it just feels like she's doing tons of somersaults in there! The doctor said she is head down still so that's great news! Every so often, I can feel her butt sticking out for a minute and then it goes away...I tell Kevin she's booty popping already...he doesn't seem to think it's very funny ;)
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows!
Miss Anything? being able to walk at a normal pace.
Food Cravings: Lately I haven't been wanting any food in particular but I am always thirsty! I have been picking which restaurants to go to based on their drink selections haha.
Anything making you sick/queasy? No one food in particular, just anything if I eat very much of it.
The Bump: is SO big! I feel like I look way bigger than a lot of people this far along but my doctor assures me I am not...(yes, I ask every time ha).
Gender prediction: Baby K is a GIRL!
Mood: This past week, I have definitely noticed myself getting much more emotional. It comes in bursts of grumpiness and usually revolves around food haha. Kevin's been so great with tolerating my mood swings and I've been trying to keep them to a minimum. Here's to hoping that stays under control for the next 9 weeks!
Best Moment this week: When we had our 30 week Dr appt last week, he let us get an ultrasound! It was so fun to see her again - it had been a long time! She's definitely getting chubbier and even though she didn't really want to look at the camera, we got to catch a little glimpse of her face (she most definitely has Kevin's nose!). We also met with our doula, Sarah again this past weekend and it is always so reassuring to talk to her. I am so glad she is going to be there with us through this labor and delivery :)
Looking forward to: We have SUCH a busy next month! Next week have another doctors appointment and we are going up to LA to see Kevin's brother graduate from college (woohoo!). And then the following week, we are getting some family pictures taken and then my mom is coming out to visit, we're getting a 3D ultrasound, touring some daycare places, having a baby shower, and then moving! So we definitely have A LOT to look forward to! :)
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