Sunday, January 27, 2013

16 Weeks

Hello! Nothing too exciting to talk about this week...hopefully by next week we'll have some big news ;) I have been feeling much better this week so fingers are crossed that this continues! 

How Far Along:   16 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size of: an avocado
Symptoms: Hungry!! I feel like I have to constantly be eating something now, but never a lot at one time...makes it a bit difficult but I have started stocking up on snacks to bring to work with me so that is helping. The only times I have felt truly nauseous lately is when I go too long without eating. Other than that, I have been feeling a lot better! I have the occasional headache and a somewhat constant backache, but they have not been too bad so far. As long as I'm not nauseous anymore, I am happy! :)
Movement: In the last two days, I think I have felt a little movement! I still can't 100% say that it is the baby, but I definitely think it was. I'll only feel it when I am lying on my back really still - it feels like a little popcorn popping. SO cool!
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows!
Miss Anything? well-fitting pants!
Food Cravings: My only real 'craving' still is just milk - I seriously cannot get enough! But my appetite has definitely started making it's return, yay!! I'm so happy that I actually want to eat again!
Anything making you sick/queasy? There are things that don't sound good - but nothing that's really made me feel sick. I have not been loving the idea of mexican food lately...which is very weird for me!
Have you started to show yet?  Yes! I have had people this past week actually comment on it! And I have been noticing random people looking down at my belly when I'm out in public. Kevin keeps looking at me and saying, "you are definitely pregnant!" It's exciting to finally have an outward change to show the world!
Gender prediction: I think it's a girl. Kevin wants thinks a boy.
Mood: I've been feeling pretty good this week! 
Best Moment this week: We didn't do anything really baby related this week, but I think the best part of my week was just all the comments I got about how I am showing now! It is just making me so excited and making it all feel so much more real now that I can look down and see this big belly! I am also excited to start feeling more movement in the coming weeks :)
Looking forward to: We finally have our 17 week doctor's appointment this Thursday! Our OB usually lets us get an ultrasound when we visit so I am really looking forward to seeing how the baby has grown this month and possiblyyyy seeing a gender? I am not counting on it, but I have hope! I can't wait to know if we have a little girl or boy in there!

*Pic -- Hudson giving his best guilt-face to make Kevin feel bad for being away at class this week. We obviously have to send him pictures like this so he knows we miss him ;)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

15 Weeks


Hello :) I've made it another week! I am starting to feel a little bit better this week - basically I have figured out that I have to be constantly eating about every hour and that keeps the nausea away. Also, lots of sparkling water! I'm just hoping this continues and I will start to get my appetite back...slowly but surely I suppose! Nothing too exciting to report this week other than we are just getting more and more antsy by the day! It feels more real than ever now that I've finally started looking into all the stuff we're going to need! I can't wait to find out the baby's sex so I can really go to town! :)

How Far Along:   15 weeks 3 days
Baby is the size of: an apple/orange
Symptoms: Nausea when I get hungry (which is constantly!) it's pretty touch and go, started getting some lower backaches - I want to try some prenatal yoga and hopefully that will help with these little aches and pains. Overall feeling better this week though.
Movement: Nothing least nothing really discernible as the baby - but I could start feeling it at any point now so hopefully soon!
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows!
Miss Anything? Being able to eat like I used to. And being able to go more than an hour without having to eat.
Food Cravings: Nothing too much - more aversions than cravings...but I have been liking orange juice and milk a lot. 
Anything making you sick/queasy?  Lots of things...but it changes daily. Lately it's been chicken :/
Have you started to show yet?  oh the belly is bumpin! I think it's growing a ton right now! I am starting to get looks at my belly from random people but so far no one has said anything. Starting to be more noticeable. :)
Gender prediction: I think it's a girl. Kevin wants thinks a boy.
Mood: I am feeling pretty good - a little emotional occasionally but nothing too crazy yet!
Best Moment this week: Kevin's parents and brother came down to visit this weekend and his mom and I went maternity shopping! I got some really great stuff so I should be set for a while. It was a lot of fun! It's exciting that I am finally showing enough to need new clothes now!
Looking forward to: same as last week! --finding out the sex of the baby! We have another Dr appt on January 31 and I will be 17 weeks at that point and we shoulddd be able to tell by then. I really hope so! I can't wait to go crazy with all the shopping :)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

14 Weeks

Hello :) This post is slightly late, sorry, but it's because I have been sick again! boo. I thought I was in the clear but nope...definitely not. I think this time though, it wasn't as much a 'morning sickness' thing and it was more of a getting too hungry thing. My appetite is a big fat ZERO these days so it's been so hard to keep my stomach full. I think a lot of it is not eating enough/eating too early for dinner so that come morning time I am so hungry that it makes me sick...which, in turn, does not make me want to eat. Not a good cycle! So I think I have a better handle on it now and hopefully it will continue getting better...this is the second trimester after's supposed to be the best I will feel during this whole journey...let's hope it gets better! 

How Far Along:   14 weeks 2 days
Baby is the size of: a lemon
Symptoms: More nausea this week, but no headaches! Give and take right? ;) Also, I can only eat very small amounts at a time right now before I feel suuuper full. So it's pretty much grazing all day if I can. Lots of weird feelings in my belly...sometimes I think I can feel the baby move a little...almost like popcorn popping in my stomach, but I'm never sure. Also, a new one: for the past week or so, I've noticed that whenever I sleep on my back, my right hand goes completely numb and it wakes me up. Very weird. I've also been having a lot of soreness/pain in that wrist as well. So I looked into it and it looks like I am developing pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel. Greeaaaat. Apparently it's pretty common especially for people who work on computers all day. There is so much extra fluid in a pregnant woman's body, that sometimes that area in your wrist will swell and push on the nerve there. It should go away completely after pregnancy, but in the meantime is just pretty annoying/painful. I am going to definitely ask my doctor about it at my next appointment.
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows now!
Miss Anything? I realized this week that I can't even have sushi after the baby comes if I'm breastfeeding too. That made me very sad :/
Food Cravings: Nothing too much - I have been devouring Fruit by the Foot's lately. And lots of milk and vanilla yogurt.
Anything making you sick/queasy?  Lots of things...but it changes daily.
Have you started to show yet? Yep! I officially refuse to button my pants anymore. It is getting quite uncomfortable. However, I bought a Belly Band and those things are LOVE it!
Gender prediction: I think it's a girl. Kevin wants thinks a boy.
Mood: I was pretty down earlier this week about getting sick again...I had been really excited at the thought that I was past all that. But, you just never know. I am doing much better now. I have definitely been able to tell that I've been getting hormone swings lately though! I have to try really hard to be nice to people sometimes haha
Best Moment this week: I have begun to slowly start a baby registry - mostly just for my sanity and being able to remember all the things that I am going to need at this point. But it has been a lot of fun to start looking/shopping for baby things! I really feel more pregnant every day and it is getting me so excited for the future! :)
Looking forward to: finding out the sex of the baby! We have another Dr appt on January 31 and I will be 17 weeks at that point and we shoulddd be able to tell by then. I really hope so! I can't wait to go crazy with all the shopping :)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

13 Weeks

 Hello second trimester! I can't believe I finally made it this far! My belly has definitely started popping this week - so exciting! I feel like now all the fun stuff is going to really start rolling: feeling movement, finding out the sex, shopping!! I can't wait for what's ahead :)

How Far Along:   13 weeks
Baby is the size of: a peach
Symptoms: nausea is pretty much gone but my appetite still hasn't fully come back yet...I'm pretty excited for that to happen so I can really enjoy eating again. This week I have been getting this feeling in my stomach where it is just a lot of pressure...almost like I ate too much and my belly is stretched to the max. It's not really painful, just sort of uncomfortable but I figure it must be due to the huge amount of growing my belly has been doing lately! I also feel like I have much more energy again.
Have you told anyone? Everyone knows now!
Miss Anything? I was thinking this week that a hot tub dip would be nice, but oh well....
Food Cravings: Nothing too much...just really thirsty a lot. And craving sweet/sour candies.
Anything making you sick/queasy? Apparently pepperoni :/
Have you started to show yet? Yes! In just the past week, I feel like I have grown a ton! My pants are getting quite tight and I've had to buy a few maternity items this week. Maternity pants = heaven! Surprisingly though, I have only gained 1 pound since I got pregnant...I guess it's just all redistributed itself.
Gender prediction: I think it's a girl. Kevin wants thinks a boy.
Mood: pretty good this week...had to get bloodwork done last weekend and that is always traumatic for me, but I survived! Nothing too crazy other than that.
Best Moment this week: We got some testing done and part of that was getting an ultrasound, so we got to see our baby! And it actually looks like a baby now! It's so exciting to see how much s/he has grown in the last few weeks! I love the little potbelly :) The ultrasound tech said everything looks perfect and the baby is measuring slightly ahead so that's good!
Looking forward to: finding out the sex! We should know within a month - we have another Dr appt tomorrow so we should know for sure when we can schedule it! There is a place nearby that does elective ultrasounds where you can find out the sex earlier...but I've been trying to say no because I want to wait and get our 3D ultrasound later on when there's more to see. But either way, it's happening soon and I am bursting with excitement to find out! :) 

*Also, shout out to my dad who has been in the hospital this week with a very dangerous bacterial pneumonia that required surgery on his lungs to remove the infection. We are so lucky that this was caught in time and that the doctors have done such a great job taking care of him! Lots of prayers and good thoughts to him in his recovery process. Love you so much dad! <3