Sunday, February 2, 2014

7 Months!

Hello! We're late again with this post - sorry! We've been busy bees over here since Kevin started school up again (his last semester!), and Maddie started going to PT once a week along with a new play group :)  I've decided that this is officially my favorite age for her (although I'm sure I'll say that again). She is just growing up and I am shocked to find that she is a real mini person now and not just a baby! Her personality is really shining through and we are loving it! 

Stats: *we didn't have a doctors appt this month so these measurements were done by me and could be a bit off*
17.8lbs (58th percentile), 26.5 inches (44th percentile). She has really been putting on the pounds these last few weeks! 
Clothes: Still in the 6month sizes but getting close to fitting in some 9monthers.
Sleep: So a week ago we decided to be brave to try out the crib transition! We were really scared that we would be up all night with her, and we have been a few nights, but overall she is starting to get it. The key is getting her to put herself back to sleep when she wakes up at night. Some nights she does great, others not so much but we're making progress so I have hope! 
Milestones in the works: She has officially mastered the tummy-to-back roll! Woohoo! Better late than never! She hasn't gotten back-to-tummy quite yet but that's pretty normal. She's been getting her feet up and rocking side to side so that's a good start! Her sitting skills are getting better and better and her language is nonstop these days! She seems to be really improving in all areas :) 
Favorite Activities: 
     - Chatting. She is just little miss social these days and loves babbling to people. She has finally learned some volume control so as long as you talk back, she'll just have a nice little convo with you. 
     - Jumping/being thrown in the air. All we do is say, 'BOING!' And jump her up in the air and she just shrieks with happiness! It's so much fun (and a great arm workout!). 
     - Her Bubba. He is a stuffed labradoodle that looks exactly like our dog, Hudson. We call Hudson 'bubba' all the time, so that is what her toy is named. She could really care less about most of her stuffed animals, but she is obsessed with this one! She snuggles and sleeps with him every night. It's soo cute! <3
     - Napkins- but only paper ones. She loves crinkling them and ripping them apart. It keeps her entertained all through dinners when we go out. We buy all these nice toys for her and she really just wants a napkin lol. 
     - The Sons of Anarchy theme song. Kevin and I binge watched all 6 seasons of this show in the last month so Maddie heard this song quite a bit. Every time it came on, she would crane her head around to see the tv and would listen so intently. She never cares about any other songs on the tv - just that one. So whenever she gets fussy in the car, I turn on that song and it's silent the rest of the trip. It's so funny! She just really loves it. Lucky for us we like the song too and it's not annoying haha. 

Least Favorite Activities:
     - Eating green beans. She really hates them. It's so hard to get them down but I keep trying because I'm convinced she will learn to like them! I've had to resort to dipping them in peaches occasionally though :/ 

Other than that, she doesn't really have any new dislikes. She is so mellow and happy all the time and we love it! Everytime we go out somewhere people always stop us to say how adorable/happy she is. I know we're a little biased, but it seems to be the consensus that she's the cutest baby there ever was. ;)